Sunday, January 31, 2010

WEEK 2 (Jan 25): Re-Welcome to EDSS 530

Welcome again to our—the Day Cohort—EDSS 530 course. You have found what will be the blog for the class. It is here where you will find the most up-to-date information regarding the course, due dates, assignments in progress, reflection topics, and maybe even a cheesy joke or two.

Not only is this the first time you have taken this course, it is also the first time that I will be teaching it with such an intentional effort to interact in ways the digital native might, so I hope that we will go on this educational journey together!!

In our first class meeting, it was my intent to give a sense of the direction of the course, the goals, and how we may interact in some new ways. It is my hope that you feel this course is a place for you to learn much about your role as a teaching professional—to embrace a defining characteristic of today: change, to be flexible, and to develop a professional learning agenda.

Shortly after each meeting, I will try to summarize some thoughts and key things to remember from class that day. You will see a second blog with the weekly “Reading Response” assignment.

A quick review of Day 1 topics:
  • Course introductions through Second to None - video & discussion
  • Course introductions through syllabus
  • Introduction of Best Practices High School and the “jigsaw” assignment
  • Use of Technology in this course – Lawler’s course blog, own gmail account, own blog, Twitter, ning homepage “CSUSM Educators” (GoogleDocs, iGoogle, RSS, Embedit,, Skype,, Facebook, etc.)
  • Brief Introduction of Ethnography Assignment
To restate the week's homework: Complete Assignment #2: Web-Based Jigsaw on Text Rethinking High Schools. Part I should be completed by noon on Monday, Feb 1. I suggest beginning Part II Monday afternoon, certainly to be completed prior to class Feb 8. Also, you must complete this week's Reading Reflection, for which more careful instructions will be posted above. Recall that this gets written to your own course blog. Finally, send out one tweet this week, the next thought that connects with our class.

I will also leave you with a question at the end of each weekly blog post to build community and to ensure you have read the blog. Answer by leaving a brief "comment" just below (not on your own blog).

This week's question: What is your fast food guilty pleasure? (What do you eat that you know you probably shouldn't but do anyway... like a Chalupa from Taco Bell... "Not that there's anything wrong with that." ;)


  1. Are you serious? I'm supposed to admit that I go to Santana's once a week to stuff myself with one of their gigantic California burritos? No way, no how. I'll never admit that.

  2. Funny that you should mention Taco just so happens to be the love of my life.

  3. "Guilty pleasure" is not the phrase I would use when applied to fast food, more like "occasional necessity". I can wolf down an In'n'Out cheeseburger, fries and shake, but afterwards I kind of regret it.

  4. You all might not know this about me, but I'm a total food snob. About a week ago my 3 and 6 year-old ate, for the 1st time ever, fast food fries (Carl's Jr.) They were freaked out by the drive-thru, but were FASCINATED with the taste of the greasy, salty fries.

    The reason why I don't frequent any fast food joints? Call it Middle Class Morality. Fast food and the agribusiness around it isn't sustainable. Moreover, it's expensive -- not good for a mom with a mortgage whose going into teaching!!

    Here's a movement you can check out if you haven't already. My philosophies on food align pretty well with theirs

    So guilty pleasure? Ice cream (of course derived from cows that have had a decent life) at night while watching IFC or Sundance Channel.

  5. ok OKAY! I too will inhale a burger. But for the time being, I can inflict granola on my kids.

  6. Cheese-filled Mexican food doesn't even get to count because I don't feel remotely guilty about how often I eat it...maybe the fact that I unnecessarily add coffee cake to my coffee order on a regular basis

  7. Although you probably don't consider this "fast food" I absolutely love Jamba Juice! I could drink a smoothie everyday!
    But I also love In-N-Out burgers and california burritos. You can get the best california burritos at Ortiz's Taco Shop in Point Loma. :)

  8. I absolultely love Thrifty's icecream. I used to go there every Friday with my dad, and now my husband and I go there for cheap dates! :) chocolate chip cookie dough is the best!

  9. i would have to say frozen yogurt with all the fixings

  10. I used to have a pretty severe Slurpee addiction (half coke, half cherry) but I think I have definitely moved on from that. My Slurpee craze has been replaced by In-N-Out. How do they make their burgers taste so much better than everyone else?!?

  11. I am ashamed to say that my fast food guilty pleasure is a nice vanilla cone and a small fry from McDonald's... there's nothing like salty and sweet together. LOL!

  12. Yvette I completely agree with you on the McDonald's fries..except not a small more like a large! They are a little piece of heaven!

  13. I forgot about Slurpees entirely - wow. And oh yeah, McD ice cream and fries. been there. But In-n-Out seems to be a clear winner. And what don't they "animal" there? What other secret orders can you make?

  14. I'm going to have to go with Pizza actually. I haven't really craved fast food in a long time (courtesy of my mom being a nutritionist). Thin crust pepperoni pizza is my fast food guilty pleasure

  15. I'm going to say Del Taco chicken soft tacos, chili cheese fries and a chocolate milk shake (but chicken soft tacos being the most).

  16. I'm addicted to Pannikin Cafe's gigantic muffins. I have them at least twice a week. Fav's are pumpkin and raisin/walnut/date...they sound healthy but, truth be told, not so much.

  17. I love to eat Taco Bell and Santanas.. :)... here's a little secret, I once had a Santana's California Burritto and then an In-N-Out Double Double all in one night!

  18. I used to do a lot of late night Jack in the Box runs... ultimate cheeseburger if I was really hungry, or a compilation of items from the 99 cent menu

  19. Hey dr. lawler i did comment before it just didn't go through because of password stuff.

    fastfood guilty pleasure?

    wendy's frosty's and frys


    egg mcmuffins!

  20. my daughter convinced me to go vegan over the summer, however, i still eat a nice piece of fish weekly and have PIZZA every other friday night, coronary arteries be damned (blocked, not the swear word)!

  21. I love Orange Chicken and Beijing Beef from Panda Express!

  22. Greg, would it then be spelled with 2 "m"'s?

  23. French fries. Dutch-style with fresh-made mayonnaise (sounds disgusting but depends on the quality of mayonnaise) or CUMIN fries, with fresh-made mayonnaise. With a glass of red wine. :)
