Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reading Reflection 1 - Instructions

For your first reading reflection, I would like you to return to chapter one of Rethinking High School. In this reflection, think in terms of what resonated with you and expand on why that was so.
Also, what didn't seem like a great measure of reform?
What Second to None 'components of reform' did you find in the chapter?
What idea or concept from the chapter would you like to investigate further?

Blog post instructions
Respond in your own course blog page.
Title your response: Reading Reflection 1 - Rethinking High School
Body of post: answer the questions above in approximately 300 words.
Due: Ideally, before the next class begins. As we all get accustomed to this online interaction--sooner the better, but definitely by February 8.


  1. I am still somewhat confused by how you will be able to read my response on my blog. So here is my address:

  2. Me too, Tiffany.
    Here's mine:

  3. My blog is at:

  4. You all are so very smart. Thank you for letting me know. I am about to post a "survey" to collect this information from everyone.
