Tuesday, March 2, 2010

10 Qualities of a Great Teacher

Attention, Gates Foundation -- 10 Qualities of a Great Teacher
By James D. Starkey


the punchline?
(1) has a sense of humor;
(2) is intuitive;
(3) knows the subject matter;
(4) listens well;
(5) is articulate;
(6) has an obsessive/compulsive side;
(7) can be subversive;
(8) is arrogant enough to be fearless;
(9) has a performer's instincts;
(10) is a real taskmaster.

1 comment:

  1. I've got about 8 out of the 10. The task master thing eludes me AND I've known for a long time, intuitively, that the great ones are true task masters. The arrogant part used to reside somewhere in this belly of mine. I find myself tapping into it unconsciously sometimes but not enough. Really cool list.
