Tuesday, March 2, 2010

WEEK 7 (Mar. 1): Powerful Teaching

First, a brief summary of today's work:
1. Debriefed Ethnography experience, especially considering the use of peer feedback / peer assessment
2. Considered classroom use of Twitter
3. Continued thinking on implementing groupwork. Did Rainbow Logic task, to consider teaching new behaviors in the classroom.
4. Discipline groups designed a task to teach content through Problem Solving
5. We closed with some brief discussion on classroom management and discipline actions observed last week.

Homework - for Mar 8.
  • Read Ch. 3 on the "Inquiry Method" of Postman & Weingartner's book Teaching as a Subversive Activity [download pdf here WebCT \ Course Content \ Required Readings]. You may also appreciate Ch. 1.
  • Read pp. 63-83 on "Guidelines for Action (for Teachers)" of What's Worth Fighting for in Your School by Fullan & Hargreaves. [download pdf here or WebCT \ Course Content \ Required Readings]
  • Complete assignment 5 Classroom Discipline, part C. Post to WebCT.
  • Reading Response – write to your own blog
  • Tweet – in particular, please share ideas or resources that speak to being an agent of change
  • Answer question below
This week’s question: What stress reducing activity have you (re-) discovered in the past week? I relax by doing projects in, or better said on, the house. This weekend we did a lot of repotting and adding to our container gardens. Next weekend will be laying sod in a currently unused portion of the backyard.


  1. My dogs are my favorite stress relievers.
    I love taking them on long walks and letting my head sort itself out in the fresh air and sunshine. I have heard that people who have dogs live longer healthier lives than those who don't have dogs, and I believe it's because dogs are natural stress reducers. Dogs are my copilots.

  2. I wish I had dogs like Audry, I love my sister's dogs. They remind me that life is simple.
    I think church is probably the best way for me to relax, get my mind off of myself, and just remember what life is really about. Church is safe, loving and helps me to realize the bigger picture.

  3. I have to say going to the CSUSM gym-although I wish they had a sauna that would be perfect. Because of the workload, I am hoping to get back there in the next couple days. Oooh relaxation.

  4. Sunsets at the beach will forever be my key to stress relief. The ocean reminds me that there are things so much bigger than my problems and I picture my worries going out with the tide. The sunset reminds me that the day is over and a new day awaits.

  5. I like to grow plants, and I recently bought a tomato plant that I am "nurturing". I do not like to eat tomatoes, but I love the smell of the plant. It is calming and reminds me of home. I also listen to classical music, mainly by Debussy. Everyone should try it. And, the one big ritual I do when I am stressed, is sit at the bench by the cliff at the Self Realization Center in Encinitas. I go there for the end of every semester.

  6. I think physical activity is the greatest way to relieve stress. It releases natural endorphins and keeps my mind off of what's stressing me out. When I'm running, I'm focusing on my breathing, my pace and my cadence. It helps to focus on that instead of what's bugging me and when I'm done I have the energy to do what I need to do. I haven't had time to run in a while though...

  7. When I'm not working, in class, partying on with my little kids (scootering and park outtings constitue partying), cleaning house, folding laundry, paying bills, I like to have a good "shvitz". Yes, I said "shvitz". It means "to sweat" in Yiddish. I love steam baths. They detoxify and make you look like you just ran a marathon. Oh, they are my church, my meditation, my Nirvanna. I love to sauna!

  8. Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! Although, I have rediscovered it... I still cannot find the time to do it, but when I do is when I am most sane ; ).

  9. Colin & Yvette, you are both helpfully reminding me that when I feel most busy and stressed is precisely the time to get in that workout. I think it does help me both relax and refocus, so as to be more effective.

  10. i am an avid vegetable gardener and it is always an oasis. a run on torrey pines beach never hurts either.

  11. Playing music with my family is a big part of my relaxation process. With my recent purchase of a Mac, my family and I have been recording our music every chance we get. Family time is my stress reliever, as well as my indoor soccer team I play for every monday/wednesday night.

  12. My relation comes from going to concerts, taking long drives and listening to music while driving. Since this past weekend I actually was able to hang out, I was able to relax while visiting family and friends who live in different cities and going to a concert with a friend who I haven't seen in a while. All my favorite things! Great weekend!

  13. I like to camp and hike whenever possible. Preferably along the coast. Lately it has been walking my landlord's dog- Sweet Pea!

  14. As a few others have mentioned, I wish I had a dog. My fiance's pitbull is the best dog ever, and whenever I see her I instantly feel better (although I haven't gotten to go to his house and see her in awhile.) My all time favorite stress relieving activity is cuddling with my fiance. I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes and gagging right now, but being with him keeps me sane. He completes me and keeps my life in balance. Unfortunately I've only seen him a handful of times in the past month. No wonder I'm so stressed out!

  15. Running, for sure. I love sprinting - it feels like I'm converting all of my frustration into speed and power. Surfing, but I haven't gotten to do that in weeks (thanks, rain). Like Jacque said, being around the ocean makes me remember how small I am and that whatever's stressing me out is so miniscule in the grand scheme of things. On a less active level, hanging out with my dog and doing the crossword puzzle are both great stress relievers.

  16. When I tend to get stressed out I find that making a list of all of the tasks that I have to do decreases my stress and puts things in perspective. Another stress relief for me is sitting down on the couch and doing homework with my wife (we are both in school). She gives the support and love that I need to get through the day.

  17. Surfing, without a doubt, is the one activity that will take my mind off of things. I agree with the exercise comments too, but sometimes I just can't get motivated to go to the gym when I'm stressed because I don't enjoy it as much as getting out in the ocean.

  18. I like cleaning after a really really long time not doing it. I like the feeling of being done with it. I also like the gym but mostly for me it's being with my friends going out, seeing them, not thinking about all the thing i should be doing.

  19. I find the sport of fencing to be highly stress relieving as you're channeling all your anger/frustration with a blade. There's nothing more stress relieving than using violence in a safe environment. I know that makes no sense, but you should try it for yourself.

  20. When I am stressed out I go to a local bar or my friend’s house and we hang out and talk about sports or typical guy things. However, we are both geeks to the social science god, and we actually went to a local tavern and had a 3 hour intellectual session critiquing the effects of a capitalist society on higher education through the writing of both Marx and Lenin. Frighteningly, I felt relaxed and at ease after words and was ready to restart my TPA.

  21. Taking long walks at night (with my fiance or a group of friends) is extremely refreshing and it really helps clear your head and relieve the stress. I used to do this about every other night at college. I also love walking at the beach during the day.

  22. staring up at the stars clears any stress I have. Also going for walks while it is snowing, one of the many reasons I miss living in an area where it actually snows.

  23. Posting late because, despite getting new operating software on my computer, I still can't post from home...watching movies or TV for an hour. Somehow watching something that takes me far away from thinking about teaching gives me energy to recharge. And after one or two hours, I'm ready to think about school again
