Monday, February 22, 2010


Good point Tiffany. You tweeted, "The busy work is KILLING ME SOFTLY!!! And you want quality work??"

I have three main thoughts about this. First is that, I think I would consider good teaching to be marked, in part, by minimal student death. OK - kidding. But I do mean that the feel of doing work for no real purpose, as I believe you refer above, is minimized.

Second, I know that I have intentions other than busy work for what I ask my students to complete outside of class. These intentions are usually of the type:
• explore, learn of something new, things that can be done alone;
• press for deeper levels of understanding or personal meaning, along the levels of Bloom's taxonomy; and
• prepare for the face-to-face interactions a classroom affords.

And third, please raise this issue when you consider the effectiveness of ways in which technological tools were used in this class, EDSS 530. I am exploring each of these tools, both for myself and encouraging each of you to do so. Share these thoughts with colleagues, and in class when we have opportunity to debrief all the technology-related efforts this semester.

An honest thank you for your tweet!


  1. I hear you! I understand what you are doing and if you didn't do this, I honestly would not explore these technological tools. However, the assignment in which you want us to respond on our readings (something we did on our blog). I mean- really! =)

    There will probably be students that will read other students comments. For me, I won't.
    I will post my comment and do it to get the task done. So I can say, "On to the next one"- Jay Z's words...

    I did not mean to offend you. =) I was also frustrated at the time when I said that, but I meant it.


  2. No offense taken; I truly considered it good feedback & input. I assume that anyone why might truly mean to offend would not post in a public domain! Thanks again. (and I need to look at how my instructions are being duplicated--that was not intended)
