Monday, February 22, 2010

WEEK 6 (Feb. 22): While the teacher is away on furlough day...

Sorry, the students might not get to play as much as they hope. In place of our class meetings today, complete the sequence of activities below.

If I weren't furloughed, we would normally have presented ethnographies today. Keeping with that primary goal, I expect the following to be accomplished.

1. Ethnography
1.1. Of course, I intend that today can be used to complete details of the Ethnography and Executive Summary.
1.2 Groups: remember to each post the website address and one member post the Executive Summary to your WebCT assignment page.
1.3 Provide a link to your group's ethnography in our class Ning. Do this using the same structure used to post book chapters, in the "Groups" section. Title your post, "highschoolname - Lawler".

2. Learn about other SD schools
2.1. Read/View ethnographies of at least three other schools.
2.2. Complete a peer evaluation for three ethnographies. A rubric is provided using the Google Survey (next newer post on the blog, above). I will provide each group with a collection of responses to their presentation.

3. Designing Groupwork
3.1. Contribute to an asynchronous class discussion of Chs. 4-5 of Designing Groupwork. Visit this page to contribute as instructed. << It seems fully acceptable to duplicate your "Reading Response 4" here. >>

4. Teaching Among the Digital Natives
4.1. Determine the web-presence you will have during your Clinical Practice for this semester. Begin enough of a mock-up to share with fellow students during our next class, Mar 1. Post a link in your class blog. Title this posting: CP2 Website.

5. Classroom Discipline - assignment planning
5.1. Read instructions for the course assignment, 5 Classroom Discipline. (Find the assignment on WebCT.) Plan for completion of Part A. prior to our next gathering, Mar 1.

Homework - for Mar 1.
• Read Cohen, Ch. 6-8
• Re-read Baldwin on Classroom Management, especially the Compassionate Discipline model.
• Assignment 5 Classroom Discipline, Part A.
• Reading Response – write on your own blog
• Tweet
• Answer question below

This week’s questionWhat is the most surprising thing you have seen in a classroom this semester? (This could be positive or not so positive.) For me it is how I see kids dressed, in what I would name "80's punk, sagging-style".


  1. P.S. your blog says you posted this February 22nd...which is your furlough day....making this all illegal. Just FYI

  2. I'm in Manila, so it is actually tomorrow ;)

  3. The most surprising thing I've seen in a classroom this semester is teachers eating food while they lecture, facilitate groupwork, and teach. Don't get me wrong--I'm a foodie, but it's a bit unprofessional to eat while you're teaching, isn't it?

  4. The most surprising thing I've seen in a classroom is the number of aids relative to the number of students. I have two students (the first three periods) and there are four aids. These kids sure are lucky!!

  5. I have seen so many substitutes! Is it professional conference season or something? I don't remember so many teacher absences from last semester.

  6. I was surprised to see that some teachers at my last school site had ocean views! Very cool.

  7. I was surprised that some of the students were so polite! I didn't think very many kids were raised with manners anymore.

  8. I was surprised to see how students were listening to iPods during instruction.

  9. I was surprised to see a girl sitting on a boy's lap during class and the teacher not even noticing.

  10. An assistant principal and counselor escorted two students to my CT's classroom because that's where their schedule permitted them to be and my CT refused to accept them. The assistant principal insisted he have the students in his class and he told them to have a seat on the ground. The assistant principal asked that they at least have a chair and he gave the students two chairs that were facing the wall in the back of the classroom. The assistant principal made not of how that was illegal and he took the chairs back for the students to sit on the floor. The assistant principal and teh counselor finally left and the two students were let to sit on the ground directly in front of the classroom entrance... two minutes later the assistant principal came back to get the two students. My CT later apologized for me having to witness that scene, but did not explain what it was all about...

    My shock came for his blatant disregard to the authority of the assistant principal in front of his students...

  11. Students being willing to pay another student to keep quiet in class. The student was offered $5 to not talk for the rest of the period. Unfortunately, the student couldn't contain herself.

    Students actually are allowed to have iPods in my Algebra Readiness during times when they were allowed to work on their homework. I'm considering playing light classical music during homework time in class. Think it would have a positive impact on the students?

  12. This semester I am surprised to see how well behaved the students are. They seem like they are all hypotnized. These are high school students and they just seem to be acting like adults.

  13. The most surprising thing I've seen this semester was a teacher taking "tech breaks" during class to let kids text or go outside the room to make calls as a means of stopping them from texting in class.

    It is a great theory, but I've never seen so many students texting in a classroom after the tech break was over. All it did was give them time to start conversations with their friends for them to continue during class.

  14. This semester the most surprising thing I have seen is the lack of personality in the classrooms I have observed. Most of the time the students are working independently and remain quiet for the entire 2 hour block. It kills me. Granted, I have only gone one day a week, so hopefully that will all change when I begin attending full time. And I know it will change when I take over full time!

  15. I think the most surprising thing to me is when a police officer entered into a class I was tutoring in and escorted one of my students out of the classroom where he arrested him. Not sure exactly what a teacher is to do in that situation.

  16. The most surprising thing I've seen this semester is the ridiculous amount of shuffling that is going on at my school site. It's really depressing seeing so many students lifelessly moving from class to class.

  17. working with kids in avid and a course they call academic support at LCC, it continues to amaze me how much faster and easier it is to deliver content to small groups of students.

  18. Students in my class are mostly nonverbal and do prefer that the teacher does not do a lot of talking. This semester is going to be very challenging, to say the least.

  19. I have been surprised at how minimally disruptive (read: almost not at all) the students are in classes I have observed and will be teaching at El Camino. For the most part they are attentive and seem to want to learn chemistry. I have t say that I'm looking forward to taking over these classes.

  20. I'm surprised at the difference between the two teachers I am working with in terms of their policy on phones. One class has them out all the time while the other teacher takes them away if she sees them. It's nice that I am going to get to teach a class from start to finish starting on April 19th so I can establish the rules rather than try to change them

  21. The kids this semester are so well behaved! There is hardly any need for discipline at this school (or maybe just the classes I observe). I am starting to think that they give these kids some kind of drug that allows them to conform how the school want them to. Just kidding. But really, it's surprising.

  22. A boy and girl constantly hitting each other, grabbing each other's papers/pens etc., and messing around the whole time they were supposed to be working on an assignment. They were obviously bothering other students around them and the teacher didn't even do anything. I couldn't even concentrate!!
