Monday, February 1, 2010

How to Post your Chapter to our Class Ning Page

OK - here are some instructions. Better late than never. Thank you to those groups who have been exploring the class Ning home page - I see your first efforts to post. Now, you've got to go back and do some refining. ;)
  1. Go to the our class Ning.
  2. Click on the Groups tab. (that link is a shortcut)
  3. Take a moment to notice the formatting, naming protocols, and structure of the example "Rethinking High Schools Ch1 Heil". Be sure to click on the link and explore this "presentation". You will find many directions in there, including naming conventions. In essence, the remainder of my instructions guide you through duplicating this example.
  4. Go back to the Groups page an "+ Add a Group". Name it "Rethinking High School ChX Lawler". Use my name, not yours. In the Description box, put the names of the 4 group members. You may "skip" the Invite page that comes next.
  5. Click "Edit" to edit the first "Text Box". Rename this with the number and brief title of your chapter. Embed or provide the link to your chapter presentations. Also embed or provide the link to your assessment--that each student must complete for each chapter. You are invited to add any text that will help the user, or clarify how you intend for them to check out your work. Please organize this thoughtfully.
  6. That should be it! Notice the Discussion Forum needs no set up. Here is where each student will provide authentic feedback on 2 chapters.
I predict I may update this post in about one day, trying to clarify the instructions in response to questions that arise.


  1. How long does it take for my membership to be approved so that I can post feedback on students work? I am still not able to post feedback.


  2. Let me know if you are still having trouble

  3. How do I post a picture of myself on my blog and twitter account?
