Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reading Reflection 4 - Instructions

From the Groupwork chapters read, select one section (like Delegate Authority) to respond to, preferably something that particularly caught your attention. Please summarize the section, connect it to your discipline and thoughts on teaching your discipline, and wonder aloud about the new challenges it poses for you.

Please limit your reply to approximately 300 words.

Blog post instructions / reminders
• Respond in your own course blog page.
• Title your response: Reading Reflection 4 - Groupwork ch. 4-5
• Due: February 22, before class.


  1. The fourth reading response is due tomorrow, the 22nd, and not the 15th right?

  2. yes, Colin. I also noticed that, and I noticed that the prompt was posted on the 18th. :-)

  3. Correct Colin. I will edit. Thanks for noticing!
